The High-Performance computing lab is a computing based Linux environment geared toward providing computing facility for LUMS fraternity.
LUMS student, researcher and Faculty. For Student and researcher an acknowledgement is required from their respective supervisor for the usage of resource.
How can I get an account for computing?
Please copy the content of HPCC Form. Fill them out thoroughly and sent to noumanz at Your request for account will be evaluated. A further inquiry may be initiated to match the request with available resources. Accordingly, an account will be created.
How do I connect to resources?
You can look at the document How to connect to HPC resources. Also upon creation of an account, an email along with necessary detail will be shared.
What kind of OS resources are used?
The HPCC lab is built on open source software’s . It consist of Clustering software as well as Centos and Ubuntu based computing environment.